major improvements to OSCP support, mod_lua, Dynamic Reverse Proxy configuration, Improved Authentication/Authorization, FastCGI Proxy, New Expression Parser, and a Small Object Caching API.
【2012.02.23 mirror訊】 很高興地宣布釋放Apache HTTP服務器(“阿帕奇”和“httpd”字樣)2.4.1版本的Apache HTTP服務器項目。這個版本的Apache是我們第一次發布GA新一代的Apache httpd2.4.x的分支。 此版本httpd的主要版本是2.4穩定分支,代表Apache HTTP服務器提供最好的版本。新功能包括可裝載的MPM,OSCP在支持的重大改進,mod_lua,動態反向代理配置,改進的認證/授權,FastCGI的代理,新的表達式解析器和緩存API的小物件。 Apache httpd 2.4.1 Released 2012-02-21 The Apache HTTP Server Project is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.1 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache" and "httpd"). This version of Apache is our first GA release of the new generation 2.4.x branch of Apache HTTPD. This version of httpd is a major release of the 2.4 stable branch, and represents the best available version of Apache HTTP Server. New features include Loadable MPMs, |
major improvements to OSCP support, mod_lua, Dynamic Reverse Proxy configuration, Improved Authentication/Authorization, FastCGI Proxy, New Expression Parser, and a Small Object Caching API.
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