Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 22:38 - News 遊戲新聞
Posted by Administrator
7 day mail or 10 Minute~ 30 day Mail:Temporary disposable e-mail service to beat spamPosted by Administrator
TWemail提供免費、用完即丟的信箱,讓你可以通過申請帳號時的信箱認證。 驗證論壇討論區聊天室~而不洩露真實身分。 7 day mail 提供繁體中文介面。 免費臨時短期暫時電郵信箱帳號提供類outlook收發信介面 7 day Mail - temporary email addresses | 前往免費申請 |
Use that temporary email address to register at those pesky sites that want you to give up your email address privacy for ever and ever in exchange for testing out their service.
As you receive replies to the address, such as registration links or whatever, you are able to actually interact and reply yourself using the site, but only for the given 10 minutes. If you think you're running out of time, there's a link to get an extra 10 minutes and 1 day or 30 days. This is useful for those sites that take their time getting your registration link to you.
10 minutes or 7 day mail ~ 30 day Email立即註冊
無須註冊,點選 Get my 7 day Mail e-mail address 即可啟用一個專屬電子信箱地址(Address), Your e-mail address will expire in 10 minutes or 7 day to 30 day mail
Get Now
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