



2022.11.29 mirror 訊】廣受好評的暴雪娛樂大型多人角色扮演線上遊戲的第九個資料片《魔獸世界®:巨龍崛起》現已推出!部落與聯盟的英雄被召回艾澤拉斯,探索神秘的巨龍群島與其古老的秘密。巨龍軍團已然回歸,並奪回了他們的國度與先祖的家園。

「《巨龍崛起》將帶來玩家長久以來熱愛《魔獸世界》的核心元素:探索、自訂選項,以及隨著故事展開帶來的驚奇感,」暴雪娛樂總裁 Mike Ybarra 表示:「核心系統的更新,像是全新的天賦樹,適合所有玩家的《魔獸世界》內容傳承,讓新玩家和老朋友都能在未來的日子裡享受艾澤拉斯帶來的一切。」



《巨龍崛起》帶來《魔獸世界》第一個種族與職業組合──「半龍人喚能師」。半龍人喚能師將從 58 級開始,擁有豐富的角色自訂選項,同時也是《魔獸世界》這 18 年以來首次新增的遠程傷害輸出職業。玩家可以引導巨龍軍團的魔法之力,在戰場上利用全新的聚能施法治療友軍或傷害敵人。


飛龍騎術是一種令人興奮的全新空中探索方式,讓冒險者可以在《巨龍崛起》之初恣意翱翔,並在巨龍群島飛龍背上從高處俯衝來加速,猛然拉起並憑藉動力滑翔與飛撲。除了可以參加計時賽和多人競速賽之外,在通往全新等級上限 70 的旅程中,玩家還可以收集帳號通用的自訂外觀以及四條可獲得飛龍的技能升級。

團隊副本_洪荒化身牢獄 ─ 賽娜絲


《魔獸世界:巨龍崛起 》數位版包含:英雄組合包(新台幣2,199元) 和史詩組合包(新台幣2,799元)。每個組合包內含多個獎勵物品,為玩家幫助飛龍奪回故土。

365天遊戲時間目前也開放購買(台幣4,300元)並可獲得許多好康禮品,包含『風暴角』泰利思飛行坐騎、巨鰭加洛克坐騎、《魔獸世界》經典版的潰爛翡翠飛龍坐騎,以及購買 180天遊戲時間可獲得之《魔獸世界》經典版的烈焰外袍及虛啖巨型龍鰻飛行坐騎,外加將於 2023 1 月揭露的全新 6 個月遊戲時間組合包額外物品。需要購買遊戲時間才能遊玩《魔獸世界》。

坐騎 黑曜沃昆

想知道更多有關《魔獸世界:巨龍崛起》的資訊,請參考 www.worldofwarcraft.com


擁有《魔獸世界®》、《爐石戰記®》、《鬥陣特攻®》、《魔獸爭霸®》、《星海爭霸®》、《暗黑破壞神®》系列等膾炙人口強作及跨系列遊戲《暴雪英霸®》的暴雪娛樂 (http://www.blizzard.com),為Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI) 的旗下成員,是全球遊戲產業具領先地位的開發和發行商,並開發了數個於業界頗負盛名之遊戲。其所創下之記錄,包括 23 項年度單機遊戲與多人連線遊戲銷售第一名*。其對戰伺服器暴雪Battle.net®,則為世界各地擁有Blizzard軟體的玩家提供了一個線上對戰的娛樂平台,目前擁有數百萬以上的有效會員

About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Best known for iconic video game universes including Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Diablo®, and StarCraft®, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (www.blizzard.com), a division of Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI), is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment experiences. Blizzard Entertainment has created some of the industry’s most critically acclaimed and genre-defining games over the last 30 years, with a track record that includes multiple Game of the Year awards. Blizzard Entertainment engages tens of millions of players around the world with titles available on PC via Battle.net®, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements: Information in this press release that involves Blizzard Entertainment's expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including statements about the availability, features, and functionality of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause Blizzard Entertainment's actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include unanticipated product delays and other factors identified in the risk factors sections of Activision Blizzard’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Blizzard as of the date of this release, and neither Blizzard Entertainment nor Activision Blizzard assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Blizzard Entertainment or Activision Blizzard and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.